photolithography and screen print on drafting film, stitched onto stonehenge fawn
22” x 17”
contemplation features motifs that have become significant within my work. I tend to utilize this linear pattern to imply the idea of breath and in Hawaiian, the word hā refers to “breath” or the “breath of life.”
Pahoehoe lava is one of two types that flow from volcanoes in Hawaiʻi. It is known for its smooth, rope-like appearance and it tends to stay hotter and move slower.
Lava flows are quite beautiful but destructive in nature and moving away from home made me feel a sense of displacement. Though my facial features are quite Asian, and there is a decent population of Asian people in Kansas, I have noticed a drastic difference in the people from home and the people elsewhere. I do not always feel like I can relate to the people here because there is something missing.
I made this print during a time where I thought a lot about home, the people from home, the changes that I had to experience in my new environment, and how I should proceed further in my work and in my life.